
My first time teach in China

We didn’t think we could really afford to send all the kids until January, but we wanted to get Piper started sooner (mostly because she seems like she needs something more lately than just her brothers). I took her on her first day, and she was such a good sport till we got there, and oh, the look on her face when she realized what was really happening, and watching her actually try so hard not to cry, I couldn’t bring myself to leave her there alone. I felt like I was leading a lamb to the slaughter. So I asked if she felt like she could stay if I brought the boys, and she said yes, please get them. I left her and went and got Toby (Teddy was the last to get the stomach bug that had run through our house that week), and though Toby wasn’t thrilled, Piper took his hand and they stayed the first day. They seemed happy when I collected them at noon, after the other kids were already down for their nap. They hadn’t tried the lunch, but I wasn’t going to insist on that, since it seems like everything else is so much to ask of them.
The main room.

