I almost wasn’t going to include this since it might seem a little
silly to all of you experienced bloggers, but…I have hundred followers!
Three digits, and I’m thrilled! To have a hundred people who came to my
blog and decided that they wanted to hear more, well, it’s just amazing
to me. And here’s what I know: There’s no way I could have gotten here
on my own. Of course, my parents were a big help (and all the wonderful
people who read my blog!), but having God involved made all the
difference. I would have given up or run out of ideas a long time ago if
not for Him.
Anyway, enough about me. My point: Is God involved in your life? When
you start a new venture, do you pray about it first? Do you ask God to
guide you in every aspect of your life?
Some Christians treat God as if He’s detached from our situation.
Like He doesn’t care or something. Well, let’s get something straight:
God cares!
He cared enough to send His Son to die for you!
If He didn’t care, He would have just let us wallow in our sin. He
would have let us get what we deserved, an eternity spent in Hell. But
He didn’t give us what we deserved! He gave us what we didn’t deserve!
He showed us mercy and grace. We have disobeyed Him countless time, and yet He forgives us again and again. Why?
Because He loves us. God cares. And He wants to be involved in your
life. Far too often, however, we shut Him out. We go about our plans
purposely shoving aside God, the Creator of the Universe, our Savior. In
doing this, we only hurt ourselves. With God’s support (and when we’re
in accordance with Him), we could accomplish more things, help more
people… If we don’t involve Him, we’re only building a wall in our
relationship, a wall that will grow until we tear it down.
God cares and wants to have a strong relationship with you. Let Him into your life!