If you are currently performing your fulfillment function in-house, you may be wondering if it is time to consider the benefits of outsourcing. Take a look at the following list to see if any of these scenarios describe your situation:
1) You' re running out of space
Print materials are bulky and need a lot of room to store, assemble and prepare for shipping. If you are outgrowing your in-house capabilities, it may be time to consider outsourcing.
2) You're spending too much time on fulfillment functions
Warehousing, packing and shipping can consume a lot of time. If fulfillment chores are keeping you from your primary business functions, it may be time to consider outsourcing.
3) Your customer response time or order lead time is growing longer
It requires expertise and focus to perform fulfillment duties efficiently. If your in-house fulfillment has become so cumbersome that your customer service or lead time is suffering, it may be time to consider outsourcing.
Despite fears there are a number of reasons which has propelled China to have captured the outsourcing market in printing. Three such reasons are enlisted below:
1) Like any other form of outsourcing, printing outsourcing is also based on the golden principle of lower costs of manufacturing.
2) Lower costs of manufacturing bring with it a number of other factors, like abundant availability of cheap labor and low quality of ink or technique used.
3) Factors like these keep the manufacturing costs at minimum and increase the profits of the outsourcing company. Since China with its vast population is able to provide these necessities to the printing industry, printing is being readily outsourced to China. Right from brochure printing to book printing everything is duly undertaken in China.